All classes are held during the morning and are taught by professionals in each field and are held on site under the supervision of our own Gan Gani teaching staff. All classes follow a developmentally, child friendly philosophy and are positive and enriching experiences for your child. There are no additional charges for these classes.


Kidokinetics inspires kids to get up, get moving, and get in shape as we set the tone for a lifetime of physical fitness Preschoolers will learn about the human body (anatomy, physiology and nutrition), move and exercise, and have fun in a non- competitive, safe and encouraging environment. 



Mr. Taylor with Kidcordia, combines the joys of music, storytelling and body movement together for a wonderful experience each week to our students. 




Our raised garden beds and greenhouse offer the children an opportunity to care for our earth and watch things grow. We follow a curriculum which delves deeper into an understanding of our ecosystem. 





Shabbat is the highlight of our week as the children prepare for this special day by making challah. All classes gather together once a month for a special Shabbat in which parents are encouraged to attend. Singing the songs of Shabbat, lighting the candles and eating challah, help cultivate a strong Jewish identity and celebrate the beauty of our traditions.




In addition to the art taught in each class, we also have a school-wide curriculum we follow so that all classes experience learning about the same artist together. We focus on both collaborative and individual art projects as we explore famous artists throughout history. 



Gymnastics     |     Story Hour     |     Cooking     |     Science     |     Karate     |  Dance